Sarah Elizabeth Jacob
1 min readApr 18, 2020


They say, coronavirus does not discriminate against the poor or the rich, the cruel or the naive, the popular or the Plain Jane. But in the end, it's always the poor who suffer the most. Just imagine having to go to sleep hungry and thirsty, with the open sky as your roof. That's the situation of thousands of daily wagers who have no money and no food. Many of them haven't eaten for days. God forbid, but just imagine what you would have done in a similar situation.

We have seen so many of them literally begging for food in my area. The scenes are heartbreaking. Some good-hearted individuals buy them dry ration items and vegetables. While some Indians find them to be a nuisance. As P Sainath said, "The next clanging and banging of pots and pans will be because of food riots, not solidarity."

If possible, can you adopt a daily wager and her/his family and buy them what they need? Maybe as per your capacity? Maybe this is the least we can do.

“When our grandchildren ask us where we were when the voiceless and the vulnerable in our era needed leaders of compassion and purpose, I hope we can say that we showed up, and that we showed up on time.” ~ Gary Haugen



Sarah Elizabeth Jacob

Grace and strength | Occasional writer | Social media & comms professional